Wednesday, December 12, 2018



Image result for yellow lab puppy

Here is the final portion of a short quote from the most illustrious and holy father Isaac of Nisibis (306 A.D.) 

‘…..Christ, who had no dislike for sinners, but prayed for them.’ St Isaac

St Isaac reminds me of a time when I heard a young and pious girl say:‘We are supposed to love everyone but we don’t have to like them.’

When I heard it come out of this young innocent mouth, the ears of my heart ached because it was said in Christ’s presence - our Christ Who directly commands us to LOVE our neighbor.

Our Savior Christ said nothing about which neighbors should be loved or which neighbors should be liked or disliked. He said ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself’ How much? As thyself!

When someone, anyone, offends you in anyway, what should you do? Have you not easily turned toward a friend and said you don’t like that person? But would you say it infront of a friend of the person who offends you?

Christ is the friend of man as in - all men. Are we not one in Christ? Did He not make man and woman from man? Only sin separates us. Our Savior said He is with us always, so when we sin do we not go away from Him and thereby cause Him to follow us when we should always remain by His side?



A fellow accidentally bumped into me from behind yesterday. He apologized concerned that the drink he was carrying spilled on me, but it hadn't. After assuring him that no harm was done, we exchanged introductions. He then inquired about my attire. After briefly explaining that I am an Orthodox Christian priest, I, in turn asked if he was a Christian. He replied that he was not and added that he didn't believe in anything spiritual or religious. He was around 30 with a long beard and wearing a baseball cap. He was modest and friendly. He continued explaining that although his parents raised a "Roman Catholic", he felt that science confirms what is real from what has been widely accepted as miraculous or supernatural. He supported his beliefs using the story of the Holy Prophet Moses and the Burning Bush. Here is his understanding.

The Burning Bush contained a chemical that when ignited produced a hallucinogen. Since it wasn't in his story, I intended to ask who set the bush on fire but he favor interruptions. He continued. When Moses got near the bush, he inhaled the fumes, became delirious and had a hallucination that God  was speaking to him. The only response that came to me was to ask if he had ever researched or at least questioned the validity of the story or its source but his only response was to continue with his scientific views of reality.

It was a pleasure to have met him. Young and old seek to define that which cannot be defined but rather can only be known only by revelation. 



While on a pilgrimage in Bulgaria and serving Divine Liturgy with several bishops and many priests, I noticed what I interpreted as somewhat of an air of self-importance from a fellow priest. My eyes were magnetically pulled away from him and onto an Archbishop who was in the back corner of the altar. The Archbishop already had eyes on me and the priest.  He motioned for me to come to him.  When I arrived he whispered: ‘Do you see?’ (paraphrased)  While I fumbled to respond he added (also paraphrased): 'When we see the errors of others it is a gift from God so that we may see the sins that exist in ourselves.’ I was ashamed at how I turn away from my sins. 


A Woman Named June 

June introduced herself to me today. She is 83, a southerner, #7 from a mother of 15 = 10 girls and 5 boys - same father. I was sitting in the rider’s seat of my friend's sports car waiting for him while he spoke with June’s son. June saw me and although unacquainted with my friend or me, she unexpectedly came and sat in his car alongside me, in the driver’s seat. Frankly her boldness was a pleasant surprise so I offered a welcome. Without delay she opened another door, a door into her private life, a life wretchedly fired in the kiln of a severely abusive father. She began her story. 

Once June had come of age, she courageously confronted her abusive father. She directly threatened him saying: ‘You are my father and supposed to be my mother’s husband!’ Calmly but seriously June continued. ‘If you ever whip my mother again (he regularly used a razor strap on his wife and children) I will cut your ______ arm off.’ June probably suffers from dementia but evidently a memory of this sort is so potent and deeply embedded that probably no mental malady can erase it.

Prefacing what she was about to say next with a brief account about her son, she suddenly rotated in her seat to her left. With her back to me, she laid back resting her head on my folded arms (crossed in front of me). Facing upward, she looked deeply into my eyes. Looking down I saw a much wrinkled, entirely toothless countenance, framed by pure white hair and an agony-gnarled expression - a visage that spoke, without words, her past life. Her eyes however displayed no such history as if purposely freed, at least to some degree, of the abuse she suffered. Toward the end of her story, she suddenly sat up, turned toward me and called me to attention by bringing her eyes very close to mine . . .  within a few inches. But, unexpectedly, she was distracted by my cassock, as though she had only just then noticed it and piercingly said: ‘Just what are you anyhow?’ ‘I am a priest’ I responded. ‘Well you don’t act like one’, she fired!’  I suspected she was looking for a collar, her mother having been Roman Catholic. She continued but in an abusive kind of sarcasm and mockery, not directed at me, but that was repeated in a very exaggerated way - the sign of the cross. Rapidly and coarsely, with a loud voice, she said ‘Hail Mary full of grace...and all that ____(expletive)’. 

Domestic abuse and the foul language that it confers on people in that kind of environment, I am quite familiar with from dealing with transients, alcoholics and others.   Her mockery of the Virgin Mary her profane gesture making the sign of the Cross yet handing in the air, June blurted harshly: ‘You don’t like me!’  In truth I replied: ‘On the contrary June, I am very much taken with you’

As though amazingly suddenly consoled, June, still in the driver's seat, calmly and slowly leaned back (still in the driver’s seat), with fingers and hands in tight embrace, she closed her eyes, turned her face to the ceiling of the car and gently pleaded touchingly from the heart (which is where I felt it) and said: ‘Father in heaven, forgive me’. 

She got out of the car and when she turned around I quickly (but with permission, though she gave it reluctantly) took her picture with my phone.  

June continued - 12/23/2019:

My friend, who with his admiral companion Abbie, a Labrador Retriever, visits the ill and aged regularly, informed me that June has been in a nursing home for some time.  Attempts at a joint visit with Abbie and her master failed so I found myself visiting June this morning alone.  She was quite amiable and sweet which I must say has been characteristic of everyone I've encountered today, the characteristic response of an Iowan's joy over a warm day in December.  

June occasionally spoke of God but we spent more time watching "In the Heat of the Night" TV series with Carroll O'Connor.  June allowed me to anoint her with Blest Oil from St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco.  An undeniable privilege for me whenever permitted.  It is healing for the soul (and body if according to God's Will).

May our Savior comfort June and grant her many visitors.

June continued - 

As I was visiting with June today (June 6) her nurse stopped in and asked me if she was being nice.  Somewhat puzzled I replied: Yes, why?  

"Another priest was here and she slapped his face."

June's prayer when we first met, 'Father, forgive me', resounded in my mind.   Regardless of our sin and disobedience, Christ, in His incalculable love, is always beside us.




Once again, a stranger (strange word) walked up to me and stepped into what many would call the uncomfortable zone and asked if I was a Rabbi. He was young, tall, statuesque for a man, wearing a full reddish brown but short beard. I use the word tall because I had to look up. Those who know me, know I almost always must look up at people.

I am a Christian priest I replied. He immediately asked if I would pray for someone. Of course, I replied, but I will also ask someone I know who is closer to God to pray. His eyes were weeping but without tears.

What's wrong I asked. My wife was arrested for drugs last night but she is innocent. They were my drugs. I pleaded with the police but they wouldn't listen so they took her. Again, he asked, will you pray? What is her name and yours? The moment he told me their names, his cell phone rang. It was his wife who had been released and they weren't looking for him. He said thank you and walked away.

From - ETERNAL MYSTERIES BEYOND THE GRAVE by Archimandrite Panteleimon 1

taken from ETERNAL MYSTERIES BEYOND THE GRAVE 1 by Archimandrite Panteleimon Human beings who approach perfection and have achieved...